
A few users are reporting that they have started receiving the Android 7.0 Nougat update on the Moto Z Droid and Moto Z Force Droid. The update brings all of the best features from Android Nougat to Motorola and Lenovo’s latest offerings.


Image courtesy of Imgur

According to the system update screen, the installation should take about 20 minutes, where you won’t be able to use the device at all. Additionally, you should make sure that your device is plugged in so that nothing interrupts the installation process.

Nor Verizon or Motorola have released statements regarding the release of the Android 7.0 Nougat update, but at least some users are starting to see this arrive. It was already confirmed that the update would be coming in Q4, but it’s still a bit surprising to see the update rolling out.

Drop us a line and let us know whether you’ve already received the update and what you think about the latest version of Android.

[Reddit, 2]

via Android Phone Fans http://ift.tt/2g8eSda