
Stack Your Offerings

I’m about to share with you one of the most useful tools I use with around half my consulting clients. It’s a very simple model that can help you reveal new layers of profitability. It does not suit every business, but you may be surprised how many business it can...

Watch a drone take off from a flying aircraft carrier

The Avengers would be proud. Not content with simply flying drones, enthusiasts at Flite Test have built a remote-controlled helicarrier that can serve as a runway for smaller unmanned aircraft — yes, it’s a drone launching other drones. The example…...

Is the Nexus 6 too large?

The Nexus 6 is larger than your average smartphone, but it its size unwieldy? Does the end of the Nexus 7 line mean that we should be treating the 6 more like a tablet? via Android Authority http://www.androidauthority.com/nexus-6-large-539734/